What is the World’s Largest Passenger Jet?

What is the World’s Largest Passnger Plane?

What is the World’s biggest passeneger plane?

The World’s largest commercial passenger jet is the Airbus 380 (A380), nicknamed the ‘Super Jumbo’ which can carry a maximum of 853 passengers. However, in reality, it is rarely configured to hold more than 500 passengers due to the inclusion of Business and First Class taking up more cabin space.

The A380 was Airbus’ answer to the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet which was the largest commercial passenger aircraft for over 30 years prior to the A380 entering into service with Singapore Airlines in October 2007.

As well as being the largest aircraft, it also flys the longest route from Sydney to Dallas which is operated by Qantas.

A380 Facts & Specification

  • Maximum Passenger Capacity: 853 People
  • Range: 15,700 km
  • Mmo: M0.89
  • Max ramp weight: 562 tonnes
  • Max take-off weight: 560 tonnes
  • Max landing weight: 386 tonnes
  • Max zero fuel weight: 361 tonnes
  • Max fuel capacity: 320,000 litres

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