You’ve probably spent tens of thousands of pounds on obtaining a frozen ATPL and you’re now seeking your first flying job. Why would you stop investing in your career at this point? This is now arguably the hardest part of your career – securing an interview! Apparently there’s a pilot shortage so you won’t have a problem walking straight into a job as a First Officer on a big shiny jet right, regardless of the standard of your application? Well if your lucky that might happen, but there certainly isn’t a pilot shortage when it comes to low hour cadet pilots (experienced First Officers and Captains is another story). There is still fierce competition for pilot jobs across Europe and that’s why it’s vital that your application ticks all the boxes needed to get you to the initial assessment stage. Here at we review CV’s on a weekly basis. Part of the CV service we offer is that we will review your CV for free and promise to give you genuine and honest feedback regarding whether your CV needs improving or not. If it needs improving then we recommend you use our tailoring service – if it’s not going to be good value for money because your CV is already a good standard then we’ll let you know. Many people who have sent us their CV think it’s of a good standard, but actually there are some glaring errors. The most common one is that vital information is omitted. For example, not including the fact you have a Class One Medical. You might think that it’s obvious that you have one if you are applying for a commercial pilot position, but it’s not. Some people will apply for jobs without a Class One Medical or a current MEIR. Lack of detail is also an issue. Many people leave out information like where they completed their flight training or what educational qualifications they hold. These are vital pieces of information that a pilot recruiter would expect to see as standard. The initial screening stage is often a ‘tick box’ exercise. The first thing the recruiter needs to establish is that you meet the minimum requirements. This means spelling it out to them and not leaving anything out. If the recruiter can’t see you meet the minimum requirements, they aren’t going to query it with you – they will simply disregard yours and move onto the ‘next in the pile’, given the amount of applications they will have received. Our tailored CV service has been built on years of experience in helping pilots progress their careers and ultimately getting people to the assessment stage. Here’s what we offer: If you’ve got a current CV, send it over to us and we promise to give you an honest opinion on whether it meets the standard required to secure an interview.“Investing in your CV is investing in your future”