Pilot Licences Explained
What Licences You Need to Become a First Officer with an Airline
Understanding the various stages of flight training and what licences you need to become a First Officer with an airline can be a bit confusing initially. In short, to operate as a commercial airline pilot you need to hold either a frozen Air Transport Pilots Licence (fATPL) or a Multi-Crew Pilot Licence (MPL). However, these licences are actually made up of a number of other licences and courses. These various sub-licences and credentials all combine to form a fATPL. We’ve provided a simple breakdown of each of these flying licences and then outline the training you subsequently need complete with an airline in order to become a First Officer.
The Route to Become a First Officer with an Airline
*Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT) is now also a requirement to hold a frozen ATPL
A Breakdown of the Various Licences Required to Become a First Officer
As our route map to become a First Officer shows, if you go to an integrated flight training school, you complete all of the licences together in full time training. If you complete your flight training via the modular route, you will need to understand all the individual elements in order to understand what order to complete what training and what the training requirements are.
Multi-Crew Pilot Licence (MPL)
Multi-Crew Pilot Licence (MPL) Explained
An MPL allows you to operate as a First Officer / Co-pilot on a commercial passenger aircraft. This licence is a relatively new concept which has been introduced alongside the traditional frozen ATPL licence.
The biggest difference between an MPL and fATPL licence is that you can only complete MPL training with an approved training organisation having already been selected to join an airline specific training course (such as the easyJet or British Airways MPL Cadet programs). You can’t complete an MPL course unless you have been specifically selected to complete the course by an airline.
The practical difference between an MPL and a fATPL is the training syllabus. MPL training puts greater emphasis on airline specific, multi-crew training, with less time spent training the more traditional single pilot flying skills in light aircraft. As a result, do you do less real flying and spend more time in the simulator. You still learn the core flying skills, but more quickly progress towards the concept of multi-crew operations and instrument flying.
As a result, you don’t ever obtain a Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL) or a Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL) which is needed to operate commercially in a single pilot role.
You hold an MPL licence until you achieve 1,500 hours of flight time, at which point you can upgrade your licence to a full ATPL.
Holding an MPL can make changing piloting jobs difficult until you have upgraded to a full ATPL. An MPL holder must continue working for their sponsored airline and it is not easily transferable. It will typically take you about 2-3 years to acquire the 1,500 hours required to ‘unfreeze’ your ATPL. This isn’t a problem during normal times as you will have been bonded to the airline who’s training program you were accepted onto. However, it could be an issue if the worst happens such as redundancy occurring due to an event like the Covid-19 pandemic.
Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL)
Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL)
The more traditional route to becoming a Co-pilot / First Officer is to obtain a frozen Air Transport Pilots Licence (fATPL).
The fATPL isn’t a standalone licence, rather it’s a widely accepted summary that you have all the individual licences you need to operate as a First Officer on a commercial transport jet with an airline.
The fATPL consists of a number of individual licences and endorsements, all of which must be obtained in order to have a fATPL. This consists of
- 13 ground school examinations (ATPL Theoretical Exams)
- Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL)
- Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR)
- Multi Crew Co-operation Course (MCC)
- Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT)
An ATPL is not as restrictive as an MPL in that you can free move between airlines (although you may require a new type rating as described later) and you can operate smaller passenger aircraft (8 seats or less) as a single pilot should you wish.
The frozen ATPL becomes “unfrozen” i.e., a full ATPL, when you have completed a total of 1500 hours total flying time, of which 500 hours must be multi crew environment i.e. flown in an aircraft which requires both a captain and first officer. You must be aged 21 or over for the licence to be unfrozen. You must hold a full ATPL to operate as a Captain of a commercial aircraft.
You can obtain all the licences and exams required to hold a fATPL at a flight school through either integrated or modular training.
Some airlines will also require you to have a type rating as a minimum requirement. This is a stand-alone endorsement to add to your fATPL which allows you to operate a specific type of jet transport category aircraft. This is described in more detail later.
Private Pilots Licence (PPL)
Private Pilots Licence (PPL)
The entry level piloting licence is called a Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL). This licence entitles the holder to exercise privileges as pilot in command of a light single piston aircraft (this basically means you can fly a small aircraft by yourself). The minimum age to hold a PPL is 17 years old. To obtain this, you need to complete a minimum of 45 flying hours, 10 of which must be solo hours, and 5 of which can be in a certified flight simulator.
There are also 6 ground school exams which must be passed, of which the pass mark is 75%. Once your instructor deems you are ready and have met the minimum requirements, you will sit a flying test with a regulatory examiner (its a bit like a driving test but in an aircraft). Although 45 hours is the minimum requirement, most people will generally need about 60-70 hours to reach the sufficient standard, some people needing more and some less. Again, depending on the person, the aim is to fly your first solo flight after just 15 hours of tuition.
It is not a requirement that you hold a PPL before obtaining a Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL), although many would argue that it is a good idea to do so in order to assess whether you have the aptitude for flying and more importantly whether you actually enjoy flying as much as you thought you would.
Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL)
Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL)
The CPL is basically a more advanced PPL, requiring enhanced flying accuracy and a higher standard of airmanship. The holder of a CPL is able to act as pilot in command of a small piston engine aircraft that holds less than 9 passengers, for commercial purposes such as revenue flights in visual conditions (VMC). The minimum age to hold a CPL is 18 years old.
The CPL is valid for multi engine aircraft only if the CPL skills test is passed in a multi engine aircraft, otherwise the licence privileges are restricted to single engine aircraft. A CPL holder may only operate the aircraft in what is referred to as visual meteorological conditions (VMC – this basically means clear of cloud with the ground always in sight in good visibility). In order to be eligible to sit the CPL skills test with an examiner, the student must have completed 70 hours as pilot in command (or pilot in command under supervision) and flown the cross-country qualifier which involves a solo flight over 300 nautical miles, landing at two other airfields in addition to the one you departed from. You obtain a CPL by passing a CPL skills test with an authorised examiner.
ATPL Theoretical Examinations (Theory)
ATPL Theoretical Examinations (Theory)
You must have also of passed the following 13 ATPL theoretical examinations with a pass mark of 75% or greater. The ATPL theory subjects consist of the following:
- Mass and Balance
- Performance
- Flight Planning
- Air Law
- Aircraft General Knowledge
- Instrumentation
- Human Performance
- Meteorology
- General Navigation
- Radio Navigation
- Operational Procedures
- Principles of Flight
- Communications
Some airlines stipulate that applicants should have achieved more than an 85% average pass mark and have passed all the examinations at the first attempt.
Instrument Rating (IR)
Instrument Rating (IR)
Flying an aircraft in conditions where you can’t see the ground, such as in or above cloud, is referred to as Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC). In these conditions, you can’t fly the plane by looking out the window so you have to fly solely with reference to the aircraft’s instruments. Flying the aircraft with only reference to the instruments is called Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). In order to be qualified to operate under IFR, you must hold an Instrument Rating (IR). You can complete the instrument rating on either a single or multi-engine aircraft, but to operate for an airline, you specifically need to hold a Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR).
When training for the instrument rating, the instructor will place special screens up on the windshield of the aircraft, or the student will wear special goggles to ensure they can’t see outside. The screens or goggles go up at about 400 feet above ground level and are removed when coming into land at about the same height. After take-off, the student must navigate using only the aircraft instruments and radio beacons. A typical flight involves navigating to another airfield, making an instrument approach followed by carrying out a missed approach before navigating back to the departure aerodrome to land.
During this phase of training, much emphasis is placed on the student’s pilot in command capabilities, with a lot of training being conducted as Pilot in Command Under Supervision (PICUS). This basically means that whilst the instructor has the overall legal responsibility of the flight, the student is encouraged to act though they are the Pilot in Command (Captain).
To obtain an IR you must have completed a minimum of 50 hours cross country flying under instrument flight rules (IFR) as pilot in command. When the candidate is deemed ready, he/she must complete a mock instrument rating skills test (called a 170A) followed by an official skills test with an approved instrument rating examiner. The test requires you to fly a number of exercises with reference only to the aircraft instrumentation, including the routing as described as above.
Multi-Crew Cooperation Course (MCC)
Multi-Crew Cooperation Course (MCC)
The MCC phase of your training is designed to help make the transition from single pilot operation to multi-pilot operation. All commercial aircraft with more than 9 seats are operated with a minimum of two flight crew, a Captain and a First Officer, and have to work together effectively to ensure the safety of the operation.
The MCC course comprises of both theoretical training and practical simulator training. The simulator used is typically a widely operated commercial aircraft such as a Boeing 737 or Airbus 320.
The course places significant emphasis on ‘non-technical’ and Crew Resource Management (CRM) skills such as decision making, teamwork and communication. It is the first time you are introduced to multi-crew standard operating procedures (SOPs) in an airline environment. The course usually consists of around 20-40 simulator hours and is very intense.
Some training organisations also include a Jet Orientation Course (JOC) as part of the MCC course. This shorter course is used to help develop the manual flight and automation managed skills needed to operate a large commercial jet aircraft.
Airline Pilot Standards Multi-Crew Cooperation Course (APS MCC)
Airline Pilot Standards Multi-Crew Cooperation Course (APS MCC) was introduced in 2017 in order to enhance the traditional MCC courses. In addition to the requirements of the standard MCC, the APS MCC focuses on swept wing jet handling and airline operation scenarios. There is also a pass/fail assessment at the end of the course. The APS MCC requires a minimum of 40 flight simulator hours to be completed.
The APS MCC also includes the elements which were traditionally included in the unregulated and optional Jet Orientation Course (JOC).
Some airlines state that preference will be given to applicants to have an APS MCC rather than a basic MCC.
In order to hold a frozen ATPL and commence a type rating, trainees can have completed either a traditional MCC or an APS MCC.
Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT)
Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT)
UPRT stands for aeroplane ‘Upset Prevention and Recovery Training’ and is a short course designed to provide a combination of theoretical knowledge and flying training with the aim of providing flight crew with the required competencies to prevent and recover from aeroplane upsets (typically referred to by airlines as ‘Loss of Control in Flight’ or LOC-I).
Pilots who are undergoing their initial ATPL training are required to complete the ‘Advanced UPRT’ which comprises of at least 5 hours of theoretical instruction as well as at least 3 hours of dual flight instruction in an aeroplane.
Type Rating (TR)
Type Rating (TR)
A type rating is a licence endorsement which is needed to operate a specific commercial aircraft type like a Boeing 737 or an A320. So by way of example, a B737, A320, B777 or Embraer 190 all require separate type rating qualifications. A type rating comprises of both technical ground school training and then around 40 hours simulator training. This then culminates in ‘Base Training’ which comprises of 6 take offs and landings in the real aircraft, which equates to approximately 1 hour of flight time.
A type rating is required to operate a specific aircraft that meets any of these requirements:
- Carries more than 9 passengers
- Has a maximum take-off weight of more than 5,900 kilograms
- Is a jet aircraft
To commence a type rating the candidate must have a frozen ATPL or MPL.
The type rating has traditionally been provided by an airline once offered a job with that airline (which might be paid for by either the airline or individual, depending on the airline) but you can choose to pay for the type rating yourself after completing flight training. Some people do this as they believe it will make them more employable.
Some airlines require candidates to be type rated when applying for a role as a First Officer but they will also typically require some flying experience on that aircraft type. When recruiting type rated pilots, flying time on type requirements are usually anywhere between 250 to 3000 flying hours.
One person can hold a maximum of two type ratings at any one time. There are some generic type ratings, for example a type rating on the Airbus A320 allows the holder to operate the A318, A319, A320 and A321. Similarly, completing a type rating on the Boeing 737 NG allows the holder to operate any of the B737 series, both classic and next generation (300-900). Equally the B777 & B787 are dual type ratings.
How Much Does a Type Rating Cost?
A type rating on an aircraft like a Boeing 737 or A320 typically costs between £18,000 – £30,000.
Should I Pay for a Type Rating?
This question can be split into two elements:
Should I pay for a type rating if i’ve been offered a job with an airline but they require me to pay for a type rating?
Whilst it’s obviously far more preferable for the airline to pay for your type rating, some airlines will offer you a job as a First Officer without a type rating, but will require you to pay a type rating which they will provide. If you are going to pay for a type rating, it is far more preferable to do so if you have received a firm job offer.
Should I pay for a type rating without a job offer, just to try and boost my chances of employment?
It’s rare for an airline to advertise for First Officers who have no commercial flying experience but are already type rated. It does happen occasionally and some people feel it will improve their employment prospects. It’s not something we would recommend as when type rated on a specific aircraft, you narrow your employment options. For example, if you’ve paid £20k for a B737 type rating, but then receive a job offer to fly an A320 but with a self funded type rating requirement, you’ll have wasted £20k on a B737 rating.
Base Training
Base Training
Base Training is completed at the end of the Type Rating and before commencing your Line Training. It’s without doubt one of the most exciting and memorable days of your flying career as this is the first time you get your hands on a commercial jet aircraft after years of training. It consists of completing a minimum of 6 take offs and landings in an empty aircraft. You complete the take-off and landings by doing ‘touch and go’s’ where you touchdown then immediately take off again without stopping.
Base Training is conducted with a Line Training Captain (LTC) who will have received specific training which allows them to conduct the Base Training. A Line Training Captain is a pilot who is specifically certified to conduct training on the aircraft. The LTC will be on hand to provide instruction, demonstration and can intervene if required. The flying is all done completely manually, the autopilot, autothrottle and flight directors are not used.
Once you’ve gained some experience flying a commercial jet aircraft, if you complete a type rating again for another aircraft, you will likely be ‘zero flight time’ eligible which is where you don’t need to carry out base training and can go straight from the simulator during the type rating stage, to line training, with your first landing being with passengers onboard. For example, if you are experienced on the B737, you won’t need to do base training as part of a B777 type rating (which is a shame for the pilots but it saves the airline a lot of money).
Line Training
Line Training
Just when you think all the hard work is done, having completed your type rating and base training, you start one of the most intensive periods of your flight training, the ‘Line Training’ phase. During Line Training, you operate the aircraft as a Second or First Officer as part of a normal crew in normal airline operations (i.e. with passengers onboard). You will be under the watchful eye of a Line Training Captain (LTC) who is there to provide training, supervision and mentorship.
The first few sectors will focus on your take off and landing technique, seeking to build some consistency in these areas. You will be expected to continuously improve your ability to apply company SOPs and will be quizzed on your technical and procedural knowledge.
How Long Does Line Training Last?
The length of line training depends upon your flying experience and the airline. As a cadet entry pilot, you can expect the line training to be between 40-70 sectors (a sector is one flight from a to b). Some pilots may progress very quickly whilst others take a bit longer, but extra support will be provided if you need it. Once the line training captain believes you are up to ‘line standard’ (i.e. are proficient enough to fly with a normal Captain in normal line operations), you will be put forward for a ‘Line Check’. This is a bit like a driving test, but in the aircraft. During the line check, the Captain will assess your non-technical skills and proficiency at operating the aircraft in accordance with company Standard Operating Procedures.
When transitioning onto a long haul aircraft, your line training may be as little as 8 sectors.
Once you pass your line check, you are ‘released to the line’ and start flying as a normal Second or First Officer alongside a normal Captain. It’s a big day when you pass your initial line check – you’ll likely have been training for well over 2 years to get to this point.
The learning really starts when you are released to the line for regular operations. You’ll quickly find yourself operating to new challenging destinations, dealing with new technical defects and weather issues that you didn’t see during your line training. You may well be flying with a different Captain every day, all with different styles and expectations. The reality is that you never stop learning throughout your entire career – the day you don’t learn something from a flight should be the day you retire.
Pilot Medical Certification
Pilot Medical Certification
If you want to become a commercial airline pilot, the first thing you should do is book a medical assessment with an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) in order to obtain a Class One Medical certificate. This certification is a mandatory requirement for all flight crew in order to operate commercial aircraft. At the initial assessment, your overall health is reviewed through medical examination, a review of previous medical history and a number of tests are conducted. Your examiner will seek to identify any conditions which may impact your ability to hold a Class One medical certificate.
Unfortunately for some, this occasion may highlight an underlying medical condition which has not before been detected, and the medical certificate will not be issued. Some conditions are not necessarily disqualifying but may require further investigation and testing.
After the initial issue, you are required to attend a medical assessment on an annual basis until the age of 60 and then every six months until the age of 65 which is the age at which class one medical privileges are revoked. Items such as ECG and audiograms are retested at periodic intervals, increasing in frequency with age.
For those unlucky enough not to be able to obtain a class one medical, you may still be able to hold a class two medical which allows you to operate light aircraft with a Private Pilots Licence (PPL). A class two medical is effectively a less stringent class one medical, with test renewals initially taking place every two years.
A commercial pilot is in complete reliance of maintaining his or her class one medical. The regulatory body (such as EASA in Europe, the CAA in the UK and the FAA in the USA) may revoke it at any time, consequently grounding the pilot. This may be untimely, and can often cut a career short. For this reason, maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle will support you prolonging your career.